Here is some excellent advice on how to take care of yourself from Brian Tracy:

1. Practice good nutrition.
2. Get adequate sleep.
3. Manage stress.
4. Spend time with friends & family.
5. Have some relaxing time alone.

“take a deep breath, relax, and imagine yourself exactly as you wish to be.”

Update: January 8, 2022

This was important in 2018 when I wrote this post. Today it is even more important. I’ve been working on updating this website and possibly returning to blogging and podcasting here in 2022. I certainly didn’t fully understand the importance of these tips when I wrote this post. The having time alone part certainly was a reality for many people in 2020 and 2021. I am fortunate that I did not have to be alone. And since I retired in October 2019 I was not greatly impacted personally. However, I did lose a best friend to Covid in December 2021. I am going to revisit these five tips.